Thursday, February 4, 2010

Homework for Tuesday, 2/9:

- I want you to write a Rough Draft of your Midterm’s Introduction, including a thesis statement. Underline/highlight your thesis statement. Include in your thesis:

o Define folktales in two to four sentences. Work in a quote from Stith Thompson’s article read in class.

§ Historical perspective?

§ Transformation of meaning

o Provide a thesis à Why do folktales exist; what are they used for; by whom?

o Introduce your Topics that will be your topic sentence

- Also, separately, have at least two Topic Sentences that you feel help develop your thesis statement. Keep “folktales” as the subject of sentence!

o Example ways to start:

§ “One of the values folktales teach …”

§ “How do folktales teach children to be ...?”

- Lastly, read Bruno Bettelheim’s “’Cinderella’: A Story of Sibling Rivalry and Oedipal Conflicts” (627-634).

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