Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 10 Homework Due:

Reminder: Our class will not have a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 16. Instead, the work you must accomplish is outside research, and is explained below. You must e-mail me your article by the end of class Tuesday. Also, Thursday's work is also provided below. No Late Work!

For Tuesday, Outside Research Assignment

1. E-mail me by Tuesday at 2pm an article that you are going to use within your Final Essay. The article must be one that explores a connection between a media and its culture. I suggest searching on-line library databases with the terms: culture, media, portray. This is simple, but it is just a start.

Another search route might be to look up: advertisement (since that is the media we’re going for), and culture (or “hip hop” or “country” or …)

Those terms are generic, so know that you can find (and use) an article that is written on a specific cultural aspect or a specific culture, and that deals with a specific medium (TV, Internet, Radio, Billboards, Ads and Flyers, etc.).

What kind of words are part of your research Word Bank?

Urban, Press, Youth, TV (television), Radio, Politics, Internet, Christianity, Teens, Violence

Muslim, commercials, Ads, escape, nature, marketing, Female, Gender


For Thursday, March 18:

1. You need to have chosen, and bring in, a copy of your ad so that we can work on an activity.

2. You need to have a working thesis for final AND at least three sub-topics for analysis. Here are a couple of topics that you can make analytical statements on (there are more than these examples):

- Color scheme used in advertisement, and how scheme is to appeal to a certain audience

- Tag lines, copy --> how does the language clarify the basic emotional appeal?

- Who do the people in the ad seem to represent?

- What does the background / place represent?

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